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Take the 2014 Aggregator Usage Survey!

2014 Aggregator Usage surveyAlmost everyone in the job board industry either uses aggregators – or has in the past. It’s just a fact of job board life. But recent developments (LinkedIn and Monster aggregating job postings) and the ascension of Indeed to the #1 job board spot got me thinking: how are job boards really using aggregators now? And which aggregators are most heavily used?

So I thought it was time for a quick but detailed global survey on aggregator usage. With only 11 questions, it won’t take you long to complete – but I think your answers will help us all gain insight into how aggregators are being used by job boards around the globe.

Take the survey now: Click here

As always, your responses are anonymous and completely confidential – all data are reported in aggregate. If you would like a copy of results emailed to you, just include your email address in the final question. The survey results will also be available on the JobBoardDoctor site, in the research area.

So don’t delay – fill out the survey today (and feel free to send the link to your friends in the job board industry!): Take the survey

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