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path to profitability

Path to profitability?: a tale of Uber-idiocy

Uber has the distinction of having its company name enter the English language as both a verb and noun: 'Let's uber to the restaurant', and 'We'll grab an Uber'. Like Kleenex and Band-Aid before it, Uber is sliding into the…

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hybridization of job boards

The hybridization of job boards

First movers define categories. This is a given in marketing, and we have seen it over and over in our industry. The 'classic' job board is defined by Monster of the '90s and '00s - chock-full of job ads, interstitials,…

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tomorrow's wallpaper

Today’s ‘new’ becomes tomorrow’s wallpaper

Remember a few years back, when social media recruiting was all the rage? It was going to change the face of recruiting. Revolutionize how recruiting was done. Make old methods of recruiting obsolete. Social media recruiting was the hot new…

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