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job board revenue models

How to make money – job board revenue models

I've been cataloging job board revenue models for the past two years (for obvious reasons), and frankly, I've been surprised at how many sites rely on candidates for their primary revenue stream. Making money, of course, is always a primary…

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candidate importance

How important are candidates?

Are candidates important to job sites? But step back for a moment - why are employers willing to pay in the first place? Candidates - and not just any candidates. They want candidates that are skilled, experienced, and competent. Yet…

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branding is essential

How branding protects against commoditization

Commoditization - it's a big word. What does the dictionary tell us? "When a product becomes indistinguishable from others like it and consumers buy on price alone, it becomes a commodity. " (emphasis added) One of the top concerns expressed in…

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Does your job board need a logo?

There are thousands of job sites out there. If you spend much time looking at them, like I do, you quickly realize that many lack 'brand identity' - very few job board logos to be seen. In other words, they're…

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how many job boards

How many job boards is too many?

It's true: anyone and his or her dog can have their own job board. Actually, the dog could probably run the board, thanks to Job*a*matic (well, maybe not my dog - she sleeps too much). How many job boards is…

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job board customers want

What do your job board customers want?

When was the last time you asked your job board customers what they want? Not just a one-off question to a few clients - but an systematic, organized survey of everyone who uses your site? Employers and job seekers? A…

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Why job boards need branding

Job board branding often gets a bad rap - as if there is something inherently bad in trying to create a unique, persuasive persona for your job board. Nothing could be further from the truth. Think about it: most of…

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Pay per posting vs. pay per response

For the past 15 years, the job board industry has been dominated by the 'pay per posting' revenue model: an employer purchases a job posting (and sometimes resume access or other add ons). Yet there's another model that has been…

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free job boards

Is free the wave of the future for job boards?

You can't cough these days without bumping into free job boards, i.e., a job board where employers can post their jobs at no charge. Free job site, free Tweets, free everything. Now, there have always been a few of these…

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