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hiring-related AI products

Hiring-related AI products and your job board

I previously wrote about what specific job boards are doing with AI - and not surprisingly, it's the largest job boards that are making the biggest splash. But the sheer number of hiring-related AI products out there means that almost…

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does it suck to be a follower

Does it suck to be a follower?

Sometimes you have to ask yourself: does it suck to be a follower? Specifically, I suggest that you keep in mind that job boards – by their nature – are followers, not leaders. We can’t compel employers to hire certain people,…

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compete with LinkedIn

How to compete with LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google

Ever wonder how to compete with LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google? Well, as long as I’ve been in this industry, there have been the big boys. The companies that have grabbed attention, market share, and investment. Sites like Monster, OCC, LinkedIn, Indeed, …

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video and job boards

Video and job boards: an unfinished story

To understand the role of video and job boards, you have to go back a bit in time. Remember 'dial up' internet? If you're lucky, you don't - but that's where we were when job boards first showed up on…

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