Data matters for job boards
Data matters for job boards. For instance... We’ve all experienced it: a movie or play is going along, we are firm in our understanding of the how and why of the characters’ actions, and then a bit of information is…
Data matters for job boards. For instance... We’ve all experienced it: a movie or play is going along, we are firm in our understanding of the how and why of the characters’ actions, and then a bit of information is…
It's an interesting environment when Seek job ads slide, multiple companies raise funds and two sites shut down, isn't it? Well, no one goes into business to get bored! Let's take a look at what's happened lately: Seek job ads…
Huh - job boards are dying? AI is the one and true religion? Is there one technology to rule them all? I am by nature a skeptic and contrarian. In general, these tendencies have served me well in my various…
I previously wrote about what specific job boards are doing with AI - and not surprisingly, it's the largest job boards that are making the biggest splash. But the sheer number of hiring-related AI products out there means that almost…
It’s that time of the year when your friendly Doctor needs some help – with the 2023-24 Recruiting Site Trends survey! To make it truly useful, I need your help and input! In addition to the usual valuable info on what recruiting services are doing…
It's another month and we get to see how Borderless raises funds, X tries to do job ads, and is selling their domain. Just as lively as last month, to my mind. And yes, there were a few acquisitions…
Most job boards and recruitment platforms are privately held. Missing your numbers - assuming that you have targets, that is - can be scary. But at least you don't have angry shareholders to deal with, right? Well, sort of. First…
Sometimes you have to ask yourself: does it suck to be a follower? Specifically, I suggest that you keep in mind that job boards – by their nature – are followers, not leaders. We can’t compel employers to hire certain people,…
Ever wonder how to compete with LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google? Well, as long as I’ve been in this industry, there have been the big boys. The companies that have grabbed attention, market share, and investment. Sites like Monster, OCC, LinkedIn, Indeed, …
You want to make your job board better, right? Even if you don't call it a job board? Even if you're an old-timer? Even if you started your job board yesterday? Well, sure. Of course. But the rub is, how? How do…