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Glassdoor hurt its brand

Glassdoor hurt its brand via sloppy integration

Ok, this is hardly the first time that Glassdoor hurt its brand. Just scan through the company's history and you'll find plenty of examples where the tension between user anonymity and company enmity clashed over the site's landmark employer reviews.…

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government regulation and job boards

Government regulation and job boards

Government regulation and job boards have been a fear, a threat - but the regulations also seemed remote. Even when GDPR was implemented, job boards were able to quickly comply. But... The reality is that job boards have been bumping…

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three things that could hurt job boards

Three things that could hurt job boards

Why am I talking about three things that could hurt job boards? Well, basically, because of Joel Cheesman. Yes, that Joel, of ChadandCheese. It all started with a show they had last fall, in which Joel identified what he called the Four…

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job board AI implementations

Job board AI implementations around the globe

Job board AI implementations are picking up - as I thought they might. I last wrote about this in July, and since then I've seen a steady wave of AI-related announcements. Some of this is just 'getting on the bandwagon',…

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5 burning questions for 2024

5 burning questions for 2024

Why ask 5 burning questions for 2024? Better yet, why not? Back when I managed a publishing company, I learned something very important. The fastest way to shut down a conversation is to label a question - any question -…

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