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Take the 2014 Aggregator Usage Survey!

Almost everyone in the job board industry either uses aggregators - or has in the past. It's just a fact of job board life. But recent developments (LinkedIn and Monster aggregating job postings) and the ascension of Indeed to the…

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Monstrous! – Can Monster pull it off?

Once, in a world far, far away (i.e., the 1990s), Monster beat its chest and claimed to be the biggest and best source for online jobs in the world, bar none. Then, last week, Monster - diminished, no longer for…

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Hot: summer news of the job board world

It's summer - hot, sultry, and full of online recruiting activity. Here in Iowa we've gone from spring floods to drought in just 45 days (looks like the floods moved to Missouri). So without further ado, let's see what's been…

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