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giants struggle

When giants struggle: does it matter to you?

The vast majority of job boards and recruiting sites are medium- or small-sized. That's just the nature of almost any industry - and certainly ours. Most sites do less than $25 million in sales annually. A minority do more - and…

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job boards

Making money: a tale of two (really big) job boards

The job board industry is (and has been) in transition. Startups are sprouting faster than crabgrass in spring, venture funding is flowing in, and existing players are expanding. Yet at the same time, some sites are fading. The industry growth…

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job board year in review

2014: the job board year in review

It feels like 2014 was the year that VC money returned to the job board industry. Each month brought more news of investments and funding (not to mention some pretty substantial growth by existing players). So let's take a journey…

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