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drive away jobseekers

Want to drive away jobseekers? This is how

Note: The Doctor is offsite this week with a client, so here is a post from 2009 (!!) that is still relevant.  If you're looking for work, nothing can make you throw up your hands faster than a job board…

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elms to ashes

Elms to ashes – and a few beetles, too

As I'm a (job board) doctor, I thought it was time for a quick biology lesson - and don't fret, it does indeed have something to do with our industry! Here in the midwestern states of the U.S., elms were…

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useful paranoia

Useful paranoia – thinking about security

Back in 2008 and 2009 - a very long time ago, I realize - Monster had two data breaches. Roughly 2 million Monster users had their data exposed. The incidents received widespread exposure at the time, accompanied by lots of…

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Google for Jobs

Lack of awareness: why Google for Jobs works

Before a candidate can even think about finding a new job, they have to be aware that it is there. That the employer exists. That the employer is looking for someone to do something. If a candidate is completely unaware of the…

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The term ‘job board’ is meaningless

A couple of times a year I do a guest lecture in a college class at my alma mater that focuses on creative and non-traditional careers. It's always interesting because it puts me in direct contact with some very smart soon-to-be…

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hybridization of job boards

The hybridization of job boards

First movers define categories. This is a given in marketing, and we have seen it over and over in our industry. The 'classic' job board is defined by Monster of the '90s and '00s - chock-full of job ads, interstitials,…

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