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job seeker registration

What is the value of job seeker registration?

Is job seeker registration good or bad? And if you require registration, how much is too much? much value should you attach to these registered users? Personally, I think a little friction is a good thing (as does Seth…

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Shameless self-promotion

It's self-promotion time, so I'll keep it brief: my ebook on Job Board Success is now available. It's ideal for anyone who is either planning to launch or has just launched a job site.  If that sounds like you, please…

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Randomness and recruiting

How can job boards even continue to exist? Because they connect job seekers and those who want to employ them. If a job board doesn't do this simple task successfully, it eventually goes out of business. But as any hiring manager,…

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Defining your job seeker audience

As Al Ries and Jack Trout wrote many years ago in their influential book “Positioning”, “sometimes you can want too much”. If your job board’s audience is everyone, then they’ll probably get…no one. With over 100,000 job boards and career…

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