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recruit candidates

How do your clients recruit candidates?

How do your clients recruit candidates? Geez, you think, that's a dumb question, Doctor! They use my recruiting services!! Well, hold on, pardner. Do you really understand how your clients actually recruit candidates - everything they do, in addition to…

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A year without seasonality?

For many job boards, seasonality in hiring demand is a fact of life. Demand may drop during the holidays, or the dead of summer, or perhaps in the fall or spring. may rise during those periods. It just depends on what…

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job boards dead

Are job boards dead yet? Why not?

When was the last time someone asked you, 'Hey, aren't job boards dead already?' For me, it's pretty much every couple of weeks. Really. The question isn't asked in hostility (usually), but in more of a tone of bewilderment. Why?…

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