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The Job Board Doctor goes to #truManchester

Thanks to the folks at Jobsite, I will be participating in #truManchester, another in Bill Boorman's series of 'unconferences'. Although an unconference sounds a bit chaotic (no Powerpoints, participants can move from track to track at will), past participants say…

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Cool job sites – part 2

A while back I wrote about some job sites that I thought were 'cool' - in other words, unusual (in a good way), well designed, and ‘of a piece’. I'm always prowling for new ideas and different ways to tackle…

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A new look for Job Board Doctor

Hey folks - it's a new look for the Job Board Doctor! I'm now on the Thesis framework (thanks, Eric) and - although it's not done - I'm inching toward a final revision.  Haven't quite figured out how to integrate…

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job board revenue models

How to make money – job board revenue models

I've been cataloging job board revenue models for the past two years (for obvious reasons), and frankly, I've been surprised at how many sites rely on candidates for their primary revenue stream. Making money, of course, is always a primary…

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job board social media

Being social isn’t enough

Job board social media isn't just for fun. Sorry to tell you this - but job boards are businesses. They make money. They produce results. Why are these statements such a shock to social media enthusiasts? Just like Apple and…

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.jobs: Who does it benefit?

It's back!! Yes, just when I thought I wouldn't write about it again, the .jobs proposal has returned. If you're not familiar with the .jobs initiative to create 'a million' new job sites, go here.  In a nutshell, .jobs is…

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