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Cool job sites – part 2

A while back I wrote about some job sites that I thought were 'cool' - in other words, unusual (in a good way), well designed, and ‘of a piece’. I'm always prowling for new ideas and different ways to tackle…

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A new look for Job Board Doctor

Hey folks - it's a new look for the Job Board Doctor! I'm now on the Thesis framework (thanks, Eric) and - although it's not done - I'm inching toward a final revision.  Haven't quite figured out how to integrate…

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The impact of freelancers on job boards

The length and depth of the recession has led to an increase in freelancers in many professions. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics claims that the number of people who became self-employed as a result of the downturn…

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Job board software – competition is good

Back in the early days of job boards, technology was fairly straightforward - you hired programmers, told them what you wanted, and they created it. As we moved past 2000, many job boards were adding features piecemeal, updating their sites…

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Is your job board mobile?

Although I'm a bit skeptical of Google's recent prediction of the imminent death of the desktop, it is true that more and more people are using their mobile devices as some form of a portable computer - for proof, just…

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Cool job sites

Cool - now what is that, exactly? To me, it means unusual (in a good way), well designed, and 'of a piece'. In other words, if it's different and hangs together, or approaches the job board paradigm in a different,…

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elbowing your way into a crowded market

Elbowing your way into a crowded market

One of the most common questions I'm asked (apart from "Are you British? Because those hyphenated names are always British") is "How can I compete in (insert your favorite market category)? There are so many competitors!" (And no, I'm not…

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