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3 great ideas

3 great ideas to steal for your job board

I'm a great believer in stealing ideas. Think about it: are most successful businesses truly original? Not often - instead, they take an idea and perfect it, then execute skillfully. (This applies to art, music, and literature, too - if…

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job board networks

Job board networks: the idea that’s never gone away

Before job board networks, there was the job board, and the candidates rejoiced. So many jobs! So many locations! So much easier than paper. The employers liked it, too. But after a while, candidates realized that general boards were, well....general.…

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top blog posts

Top Job Board Doctor blog posts from 2010

Job Board Doctor topped 100 posts this year - and some were more popular than others. I decided to look at this year's blog posts using 3 criteria: the number of comments, the number of page views, and the number…

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All hail the lowly job alert!

Not long after job boards were unleashed on an unsuspecting world, the folks managing these sites noticed an interesting phenomenon: job seekers would spend a considerable amount of time on the site during their first visit - but then very little…

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Android apps for job boards

Ready or not, here comes mobile!

Mobile recruiting is on the rise. It’s been estimated that as much as 40% of the current desktop-based recruitment searching will migrate to mobile devices by 2014. I suspect the change may occur even more quickly – but the end…

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what works

What works in job boards

It's fun bashing job boards (ok, it's fun bashing any category of web sites, but we're talking job boards here). They're like pop music - lots of not-so-good with occasional gems. But how about focusing on the good ones for…

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