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department stores

Job boards and department stores

Remember department stores? I do. I remember going to Hubbards, our local version - riding up the escalator to the men's department in the 2nd floor, and of course the reverse path to the toy department in the basement. You…

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zombie job board

Take the Zombie Job Board Test!!!

A few years back during the deep, dark recession, a few articles appeared about zombie job boards (not to mention jobs for zombies). These sites staggered forward despite a lack of traffic, audience, or employers, refusing to die, filling the…

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branding is essential

Branding is essential for job boards

A blast from the past: this post originally appeared in 2009, but is still relevant. If you want to get hands-on instruction in branding for your job board, consider attending the JobBoardDoctor workshop: "Building Your Job Board Brand" - click…

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Modern, curated, and other words we (mis)use

I am continually amazed by the enduring power of words in our oh-so-modern world (and I say this of course as an unrepentant wordsmith). For example: last week I watched a webinar by GlassDoor in which they talked about 'traditional…

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LinkedIn: moving up – and out?

The recruiting press was abuzz last week with the news that LinkedIn had purchased, a career-focused online learning company. It was the kind of deal that makes stockholders swoon - LinkedIn is 'broadening' its revenue streams, is going 'cradle to grave',…

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