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subscriptions build job board profits

Subscriptions build job board profits

Pop quiz: which of the following will increase job board profitability the most? A) Individual job postings B) Regular 'special deals' events C) Annual or semi-annual job posting/resume access subscriptions I’m betting that most of you answered (C). Because it's true:…

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productizing your job board

Productizing your job board

Remember department stores? I do. I remember going to Hubbards, our local Texas version - riding up the escalator to the men's department on the 2nd floor, and of course the reverse path to the toy department in the basement.…

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destroy a business

How to destroy a business in four easy steps

You may ask yourself why I am telling you how to destroy a business. Well...the longer you spend in the job board and recruitment marketing sectors, the more likely it is that you will be tempted to acquire another business.…

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does it suck to be a follower

Does it suck to be a follower?

Sometimes you have to ask yourself: does it suck to be a follower? Specifically, I suggest that you keep in mind that job boards – by their nature – are followers, not leaders. We can’t compel employers to hire certain people,…

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Yogi Berra and job boards

Note: The Doctor is enjoying the U.S. holiday. This piece from 3 years ago is still quite pertinent. Check it out! As famed New York Yankee (and St. Louis native) Yogi Berra once said, “It’s deja vu all over again.”…

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Why differentiation is critical for success

Job boards - like almost all other businesses - have a tendency to look and function a certain way; in other words, they lack differentiation. Call it the default 'operating mode'. This is partly because of customer expectations (usually set…

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StackOverflow jobs

StackOverflow jobs is…over

Well, I missed it - StackOverflow jobs, that is. Back in April 2021, StackOverflow announced that it was "moving away from job slots and direct hiring".  This was the oldest part of their various revenue streams, and also one of…

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