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referral networks

A happy marriage? Job boards and referral networks

For a number of years, the CareerXroads Source of Hire study has identified referrals, career sites,  and job boards as the #1, #2, and #3 sources of external hires, respectively. Much of the traffic that career sites receive comes directly from job…

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job boards better

Good ideas: how job seekers would make job boards better

I recently had the privilege of hosting #HFChat - the HireFriday Tweet-fest organized by @HRMargo and @CyndyTrivella.  HireFriday is all about helping job seekers find work. Recruiters, HR professionals, and the occasional job board doctor pose and answer common questions…

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Talking about the future of job search

I recently did a Q&A with the folks at Cachinko about the future of job search. You may find it interesting - check it out here! [Want to get Job Board Doctor posts via email? Subscribe here.]. [Check out the JobBoardGeek podcast archive!]

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