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Gentle prods turn into actual sales!

Note: The Doctor is recovering from yet another Memorial Day, so this is some still-timely advice from 2009 (!!) Once, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, a job board salesperson called up a prospective employer, made his…

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Have candidates forgotten you? Try advertising

Note: This post originally appeared in the summer of 2018 - but it's newly relevant as job boards reach out to candidates as the economy opens up. How can you reintroduce yourself? Read on: Job boards - both traditional and…

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everyone is selling

Everyone is selling (or buying)! Should I?

Note: This post first appeared back in 2019 - that's right, in the pre-COVID world. Yet it has plenty of relevance now, as the pace of M&A in the job board industry continues to pick up. Enjoy! Conventional wisdom would…

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Are destination job boards dead?

Job boards began as digital translations of 'real world' objects: newspaper classifieds. The relatively low cost of entry meant that job boards soon proliferated. And from this crazy-quilt of sites grew the job board advertising wars, promoting destination job boards.…

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