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Superlative: what are you really good at?

Instead of a superlative world, we live in a world of mass appeal: movies that everyone likes, cars that everyone wants, and even smartphones that everyone must simply have (yesterday).  Our magazines and pundits worship at the altar of bigness…

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Deconstruction for fun and profit

Almost every day I read about a new recruiting site or service that has nabbed some VC money. Sometimes it's big ($100M for Thumbtack) and sometimes it's not so big ($2M for for JobR). But in every case, the company…

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What a job board doctor really does

In my recent survey of readers, several asked for more information about what I actually do (other than write these blog posts, I suppose). I do cover a bit of this on the website, but I thought I'd make it more specific. So...what…

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employer brand

Building the employer brand – with job boards

Job boards have become prisoners of their moniker. After all, a 'job board' is just an online bulletin board for 'posting' your electronic 'job ad', right? Wrong. Job boards began growing past that simple definition by 1999, if not before. Sure, they…

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