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Job seekers use job boards – for research

The Doctor is at the JobG8 job board summit this week - so this is from the archives. Enjoy! I've talked before about how job boards are evolving to meet the changing needs of both employers and candidates. I've also talked…

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candidates are fundamental

Candidates are fundamental

I've written about candidates before. I will write about them again. Why? Because candidates are fundamental to everything you do as an online recruiting service. Everything. Think about a couple of recent entrants to the job board world that have…

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the candidate's world

The surprising complexity of the candidate’s world

If you're talking about the candidate's world, you tend to use shorthand to talk about what happens: 'active' candidates, 'passive' candidates, applies, cost of hire, and so on. No surprise - every industry relies on verbal shortcuts - otherwise we'd…

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matching for job boards

Matching for job boards: another view

This week's guest post by Paul Basile on matching for job boards was sparked by my post last week on matching. Paul Basile is CEO of Matchpoint Careers, a matching service that uses psychometrics to help employers hire better candidates.…

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the job candidate

It’s always about the job candidate. Really.

The most common mistake I see job board startups make is completely understandable. They spend all of their time and effort thinking about the employer. Why? Because that's (usually) where the money is. They're wrong. If you don't have the…

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What’s in a job board name? Lots.

Almost every week I see a blog post or tweet claiming that job boards are dead or dying. We're talking about the top source for hiring outside of employee referrals here. A tool that almost every employer uses to locate some or all of their job…

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