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Lead nurturing is a good thing

Note: The Doctor is taking a holiday break, so this is a repeat from 2009. Enjoy! Once, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, a job board salesperson called up a prospective employer, made his (because of course…

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Seasonality rules: the ebb and flow of hiring

I'm looking out my window at a truly spectacular show of color from a beautiful maple - oranges, yellows, and reds. Sometimes the fall almost makes up for the Iowa winter. The natural world is not the only thing with distinct seasons.…

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surveys matter

Ask the question: why surveys matter

I have no idea what you're thinking because I don't think surveys matter. In fact, I can't even see you. I guess I'm operating in the dark. The above pretty much describes any web-based business with regard to their relationship…

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Wallpaper: how ‘the next big thing’ fades

Remember social recruiting? It was huge in 2010. Big. Awe-inspiring. Going to change the face of recruiting as we knew it, and of course eliminate all other recruiting methods. As CareerXRoads says, it is no longer tracked separately in their…

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big data

Should job boards ignore big data?

A long time ago - well, maybe a year or two - big data was being touted as the next big thing. It would 'change the game' for recruiters, it would change the workplace, and provide 'new recruiting insight'. Guess…

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