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Communication is a magic tool

When people talk about communication, they often frame it as one-way: 'I am communicating to you'. Substitute 'persuading' for communicating, and you end up with a commercial. 'I'm talking to you', instead of 'I'm talking with you.' We're all guilty of it,…

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Caucuses and job boards: a cautionary tale

Did you know the Doctor lives in Iowa? Well...he does. And a few weeks back, he participated in the famous Iowa Caucuses (perhaps for the last time? We shall see). You may have heard there were a few problems. But…

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LinkedIn's new moves

LinkedIn’s new moves

In talking about LinkedIn's new moves, you have to remember that it is big - literally. It has more than 15,000 employees in 30+ offices around the world. It has 645 million members in 200 countries. And it's trying some…

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