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Find your way through the real labor market

Note: The Doctor is recovering from the holiday (and too much house painting!). Enjoy this still-relevant post from last year: A fundamental challenge for our industry is discovery: how do candidates and employers discover each other? You can argue that job…

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incremental improvements

The power of incremental improvements: LinkedIn shows the way

Although I'm hardly a LinkedIn fan-boy, I've found their strategy since acquisition by Microsoft quite interesting. As many predicted, they've become enmeshed with Microsoft's various enterprise products. But they've also continued to grow their own product via what I call incremental…

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Why go to conferences? Plus: a guide

About a year ago, I offered a guide to conferences for recruitment marketing folks. Now I'm packing up to go to another conference, and it made me wonder: why go to conferences? Why not just stay home and keep working?…

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million dollar question

The million dollar question

Over the years I've worked with a number of clients who are thinking about the next step. Sometimes that meant an acquisition. Sometimes that meant new staff, or additional marketing. But it usually meant - at its core - growth. These…

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solving problems

Solving problems for fame, fortune, and results

A long time ago (no, I'm not going to tell you how long), I was given some excellent advice. Before buying a tool/car/software/etc., determine what you hope to do with this product. If you're planning to write the great American novel, you…

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