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getting funding

Getting funding: good or bad?

If you read my monthly news roundup (and if you don't, you should!), you have probably noticed that a fair amount of the content is on companies getting funding. Why? Well, for one thing, big (or even moderate) money is…

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CareerBuilder disintegrates

CareerBuilder disintegrates and Kariera SA grows

In an announcement that is both expected and a surprise, CareerBuilder disintegrates into many smaller pieces - and it's still not the end yet! So why was this announcement expected? Three words: Apollo Global Management. The private equity firm controls…

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the Metaverse is dead

The Metaverse is dead: or, money for nothing

The Metaverse is dead, haven't you heard? It's not 'officially dead' - yet - but for all intents and purposes, it has joined the long line of over-hyped and under-performing tech that was promised to 'revolutionize everything'. Nothing like pumping…

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Indeed changed its mind

Indeed changed its mind

Indeed changed its mind. First it said that its U.S. clients had to convert to the CPA model. Now it says that actually, they can still use CPC (although it has a new name, of course - 'branding'!). So what…

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