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subscriptions build job board profits

Subscriptions build job board profits

Pop quiz: which of the following will increase job board profitability the most? A) Individual job postings B) Regular 'special deals' events C) Annual or semi-annual job posting/resume access subscriptions I’m betting that most of you answered (C). Because it's true:…

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productizing your job board

Productizing your job board

Remember department stores? I do. I remember going to Hubbards, our local Texas version - riding up the escalator to the men's department on the 2nd floor, and of course the reverse path to the toy department in the basement.…

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don't play their game

Don’t play their game

Many years ago as a marketing novice I learned the first rule of competing against giants: don't play their game. This was long before I entered the job board world. I was a marketing director at a niche publishing company…

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back to work

Back to work, on their terms

It's always been the case that some folks retire, then go back to work. Why? Maybe they get bored in retirement. Perhaps they feel isolated. Or they find that they don't have as much money as they thought they would.…

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job board content success

Job board content success

Job board content success? Huh? Well, job boards have long believed - or were taught to believe by search engines - that job ads were 'their' only real content. In other words, a job board was nothing without the primal…

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old tech

Old tech is sometimes the best tech

Old tech encompasses a wide range of things - from typewriters to transistor radios to email. Some old tech is still being used, almost unchanged - think of dress shoes or blue jeans. Other old tech has disappeared (faxes, anyone?),…

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job board AI implementations

Job board AI implementations around the globe

Job board AI implementations are picking up - as I thought they might. I last wrote about this in July, and since then I've seen a steady wave of AI-related announcements. Some of this is just 'getting on the bandwagon',…

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5 burning questions for 2024

5 burning questions for 2024

Why ask 5 burning questions for 2024? Better yet, why not? Back when I managed a publishing company, I learned something very important. The fastest way to shut down a conversation is to label a question - any question -…

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data matters for job boards

Data matters for job boards

Data matters for job boards. For instance... We’ve all experienced it: a movie or play is going along, we are firm in our understanding of the how and why of the characters’ actions, and then a bit of information is…

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