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acting versus reacting

Acting versus reacting

What is the difference between acting and reacting? Well, if you follow the recruiting and HR news flow closely - as I do - these days you are inundated with articles about AI, funding rounds, the gig economy, marketplaces, and…

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appropriate tech

Appropriate tech

Speaking of appropriate tech (were we?), have you played Wordle? Oh, why do I ask - of course you have! Everyone I know, from the hippest GenZ to the doddering edge of the Baby Boomers, has managed at least a…

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recruit candidates

How do your clients recruit candidates?

How do your clients recruit candidates? Geez, you think, that's a dumb question, Doctor! They use my recruiting services!! Well, hold on, pardner. Do you really understand how your clients actually recruit candidates - everything they do, in addition to…

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