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recruit candidates

How do your clients recruit candidates?

How do your clients recruit candidates? Geez, you think, that's a dumb question, Doctor! They use my recruiting services!! Well, hold on, pardner. Do you really understand how your clients actually recruit candidates - everything they do, in addition to…

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shape of things to come

2022: the shape of things to come

If you check into my archive, you may notice that I did not predict the pandemic or anything like the shape of things to come. In fact, at times I've even said that I won't or can't predict. Ahem. So…

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JobBoardGeek Podcast

Introducing the JobBoardGeek Podcast

What the world needs now is another podcast, right? Well, maybe so - maybe the JobBoardGeek podcast. I've been thinking about doing a podcast for a while, but it took the prodding of Steven Rothberg and Chad Sowash to make…

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