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productizing your job board

Productizing your job board

Remember department stores? I do. I remember going to Hubbards, our local Texas version - riding up the escalator to the men's department on the 2nd floor, and of course the reverse path to the toy department in the basement.…

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Glassdoor hurt its brand

Glassdoor hurt its brand via sloppy integration

Ok, this is hardly the first time that Glassdoor hurt its brand. Just scan through the company's history and you'll find plenty of examples where the tension between user anonymity and company enmity clashed over the site's landmark employer reviews.…

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government regulation and job boards

Government regulation and job boards

Government regulation and job boards have been a fear, a threat - but the regulations also seemed remote. Even when GDPR was implemented, job boards were able to quickly comply. But... The reality is that job boards have been bumping…

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three things that could hurt job boards

Three things that could hurt job boards

Why am I talking about three things that could hurt job boards? Well, basically, because of Joel Cheesman. Yes, that Joel, of ChadandCheese. It all started with a show they had last fall, in which Joel identified what he called the Four…

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data matters for job boards

Data matters for job boards

Data matters for job boards. For instance... We’ve all experienced it: a movie or play is going along, we are firm in our understanding of the how and why of the characters’ actions, and then a bit of information is…

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video and job boards

Video and job boards: an unfinished story

To understand the role of video and job boards, you have to go back a bit in time. Remember 'dial up' internet? If you're lucky, you don't - but that's where we were when job boards first showed up on…

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AI is affecting job boards

AI is affecting job boards: is this good or bad?

After a decade-long warm-up -finally -AI is affecting job boards. As I've written earlier this year, generative AI has some obvious use-cases for job boards and ATSs. In fact, if you take a darker view, generative AI may do away…

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