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job board industry predictions

Job board industry predictions for 2011

Job board industry predictions are a dime a dozen - and if you're lucky, no one goes back at the end of the year to see how accurate your soothsaying actually was. Nevertheless, I like job board industry predictions just…

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job site world

Reading tea leaves in the job site world

It's been an interesting several months in the job site world. To wit: Indeed surpasses Monster: Yep, for the first time a job site aggregator's traffic surpassed the 'monster' of our industry. RealMatch lands some serious VC dollars: Remember my…

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online recruiting

Talking about job boards and online recruiting

There is a lot of great writing out there covering the job board and online recruiting industries - in fact, it's easy to overlook good material. So I've rounded up some of the most interesting pieces from the past months…

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