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job board revenue models

Job board revenue models – revisited

The amazing success (and possible bubble) of LinkedIn's IPO last week got me to thinking about job board revenue models. Almost a year ago I wrote a post about how one makes money with job sites - interestingly enough, it…

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job board industry predictions

Job board industry predictions for 2011

Job board industry predictions are a dime a dozen - and if you're lucky, no one goes back at the end of the year to see how accurate your soothsaying actually was. Nevertheless, I like job board industry predictions just…

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job board revenue models

How to make money – job board revenue models

I've been cataloging job board revenue models for the past two years (for obvious reasons), and frankly, I've been surprised at how many sites rely on candidates for their primary revenue stream. Making money, of course, is always a primary…

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The recession’s legacy for job boards

Ding dong, the recession's (not quite) dead! Every day I hear from another job site that their numbers are up, that more jobs are being posted, and that the general feel from employers is positive. Folks are breathing a little…

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Is your job site positioned to grow?

Doostang just announced that they've landed $1.25 million in new funding. That's not a huge investment compared to the boom years, but it is a signal that our industry may have reached bottom and is beginning to rebound. So you've…

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free job boards

Is free the wave of the future for job boards?

You can't cough these days without bumping into free job boards, i.e., a job board where employers can post their jobs at no charge. Free job site, free Tweets, free everything. Now, there have always been a few of these…

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marketing tightrope

The marketing tightrope

Marketing a job board is akin to walking a tightrope with two contentious children hanging from either end of your balancing rod. On one side you have your employers, wanting more exposure, better candidates, and yes, their logo in a…

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Revenue streams – do you have enough?

When was the last time you said your job board made enough money? Never? The search for revenue streams other than job postings and resume access is eternal. These 'big 2' have ruled the job board world since its inception.…

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What’s your job board worth?

If you run a job board or career site, you've probably given some thought to what the job board is worth - perhaps because you want to sell, or perhaps because you want to grow. Judging from a recent discussion…

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