Making Job Boards Better
Learn how to run your job board more efficiently, make more money, and become more profitable. The Job Board Doctor helps your job board or online recruiting site generate more revenue and clients – no matter where you are today.
Battle for Search: Jobindex vs Google for Jobs
Google for Jobs is a job search service offered by Google, which kicked off in…
The Devil Doesn’t Come In…
...Wearing a red cape and pointy horns, he appears as everything you've ever dreamed of,…
Understanding Shifts in Market Strategy – Indeed and Upwork
During times of market tightening or periods of market instability, recruitment technology vendors must respond,…
Revenue creation is the lifeblood of any job board or recruiting site – and it just happens to be both a passion and specialty of mine. I can help you with marketing and sales plans, product design and pricing, positioning and branding, and much more.
At some point, your business will reach a fork in the road – and sometimes an outside perspective can help. I can provide you with market research, business valuation, perspective on industry trends, and modifying or overhauling your revenue model.
Ever wonder if your site is really connecting to employers and job seekers? Are there features or functions that are missing or need improvement? With hundreds of site analyses and job board software recommendations under my belt, I can provide the advice and recommendations you need.
Starting a new job board or recruiting site? You’ve found the right place! I have worked with literally hundreds of start ups around the world, and can help you develop your concept, map out a launch plan, and determine the perfect mix of products.