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Cool stuff – who needs it?

I admit it – I’m a sucker for bright shiny new technology. In fact, I’m susceptible enough that I spend a good deal of time being very critical of anything new. Why? (a) I’m weak, and (b) a lot of this stuff just disappears and you can’t remember why you liked it in the first place.

And how is this relevant to job boards and careers site? Well…almost every couple of weeks I am approached by another vendor with a ‘killer’ tool that integrates into an existing site and will drive up revenues – or I see some new sites with ‘gee that’s cool’ features (check this article out). So like it or not, you have to make decisions – should I ignore this feature/service/upgrade? Or should I add it to my site?

To keep some perspective, I have a list of ‘cool things’ that I add to on a regular basis. Once every 30-45 days, I pull it out and take a look. Most of the time, I end up crossing items off the list – after the rosy excitement of ‘wow – it’s new!’ has worn off, you realize that the item just doesn’t make money, or isn’t valuable enough.

But some items (like Twitter and assessments tied to job applications) do persist. If they manage to cling to my list long enough, I may even give them a trial run or two. It’s a way of preventing buyer’s remorse – and preventing me from being caught in the lure of ‘NEW! EXCITING!’ every time.

Well, almost. There was this cool thingimabob I saw the other day….

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